Monday, September 22, 2014

Painted Pony Books New Release -- The Saga of Indian Em'ly: Book 2 On The Colorado Trail by Sara Barnard -- Giveaway

Our own PRP author, Sara Barnard, has a new release out--the 2nd in her Indian Em'ly western series for middle grade readers! She'll be giving away one free copy to a lucky commenter so be sure to leave a way to contact you in the comments if you would like to participate in the drawing for a free ecopy of this book.Let's wish Sara a ton of luck with this wonderful series, grounded in Texas history and lore.


The pale face soldiers have torn Wind That Knocks Down Lodges and Cactus Flower's world apart. After finding themselves at the mercy of the Army, far from Apache Territory and well on the trail to Colorado, Knocks Down's choices are dwindling rapidly. After a failed attempt at escape that leaves Cactus Flower injured and both of them in danger, can Knocks Down bring himself to trust the soldier, Pale Face Joe? His life depends on it, and his little sister's does, as well!


    The feeling of needing to be sick and vomit rolled over me and my pounding head as the light from the sun attacked my eyes. Pale face chatter filled my ears, making the rolling in my stomach churn all the more violently. The pale face chatter grew louder as I struggled to come awake.

    Dirty brown fabric, the kind that seemed to be a favorite of the pale face soldiers, was all around me, like a cocoon.

    “Cactus Flower?” Her name was broken and dry on my parched lips. How long had I been asleep? “Cactus Flower,” I tried again.

    Pulling at the canvas, I studied our surroundings. We moved in a line, inside wagons pulled by Army horses. Soldiers, with their shooting horses drawn from their scabbards, rode alongside. The raw emotion of fear burned in my dry throat. Nothing about this land was familiar. Not the roll of a hill, or the shadow of a canyon. My heart began to thunder in my chest and a twitching in my legs urged me to jump from the Army wagon and run to safety far from here. Far from the soldiers that killed first Silver Sky, and then my mother.

    Glancing around the foreign land, my eyes hungered for something familiar. A wild rose perhaps? Wildly, my gaze danced over the rugged, dusty desert. The Army had taken us far from the land where the wild roses bloom, far from our home. I swallowed hard and blinked back the tears that brimmed, for a warrior of     The People must never show fear, even if his heart trembled with it.

    A terrifying thought pushed its way to the front of my mind. Can it still be The Moon When The Wild Roses Bloom if there are no wild roses to bloom? I looked down at my hands on the rough wood of the wagon box. They had begun to tremble. I struggled to find a logical reason to my newfound predicament. Perhaps time was measured differently here, faster no doubt, on the pale faces’ trail.

    “Cactus Flower!” I choked on her name in my dry, nauseated throat. Lifting one trembling hand, I shielded my eyes from the sun, which did little to ease my pounding head. While the wild roses weren’t blooming here, the same sun was still assaulting my tired eyes. Perhaps time was still measured the same on the pale face trail.

    Tom’s voice boomed loud, from just the other side of the dirty canvas, making me jump and forget my thoughts of timekeeping. Then, he laughed. My mother’s murderer laughed. I sit in here, terrified and miserable, and the pale face who has hidden my sister, murdered my mother, and taken me from my home rides free upon the back of a horse.And he laughs.  




  1. Sara, can't tell you enough how much I love this new series of yours and I can't wait to see what happens to the two children, Knocks Down Lodges and Cactus Flower--you've created a situation that just pulls at the heartstrings and makes readers of ANY age wonder "What's going to happen next? How will they get out of this?"

    These are just wonderful stories and characters!

    1. I am so glad you like this series, Cheryl!!! ♡♡♡

  2. The story just keeps getting better. Loved that you are telling stories that young people can read and invest in. Here is to continued success. Doris

  3. Sara,

    This series sounds so good. I don't have children, but I might have to pick up a copy for me. Best of luck!

  4. Sara, I am so excited about the stories you write. These are the kinds of stories that make kids become life long readers. Where they discover the joy of reading. Of how a story can take you to a different time or place or on a great adventure. Best wishes!

  5. Sara, I could actually feel his distraught and anguish, along with his physical reactions. And my tension mounted as I kept wondering what, oh what would happen next. And I wanted to know where they've taken Catctus Flower. I don't have any young children either, but by gosh I will get your books for my granddaugthers and then I can find out the answers. Wishing you much success. Also love the cover.

  6. Sara is the master cliff-hanger writer, too, y'all. She has no problems just taking you right to the old edge of the cliff and leavin' you there. LOL Book 3 will be out in December and we are looking forward to it so much. I love these kids she's created!

    1. Thanks Cheryl! I am do excited for The Orphanage to release in December. ... it's going to be an adventure!!

  7. Sara,

    I love cliff-hanger stories, and I think it's a great strategy in children's books. All it takes is that 'one' book to hook a kid on reading.

  8. Congrats Beverly Wells!! You are our winner thanks to!!! ♡ Where would you like your book sent?
