Friday, September 5, 2014

New Year, New Face

Like most businesses, Prairie Rose Publications started small. The owners worked their butts off around the clock and conserved limited resources while trying to create something that would outlast an ice cream cone on the sidewalk during a Texas heatwave. The majority of new businesses fail—not for lack of talent and ingenuity, but because the world is a crowded place.

PRP celebrates its first anniversary this month, and we’re proud to say the company is growing like the proverbial weed. It’s still small, the owners still work their butts off around the clock and conserve resources, but founders Cheryl Pierson and Livia Washburn Reasoner have created more than a book publisher. The two phenomenal women built a home where authors are appreciated, nourished, and encouraged to grow as both scribes and people. Authors have a tremendous amount of input at every step in the publishing process, and the royalties we enjoy were unheard-of previously.

Best of all, women who write western historical romance never receive a dispiriting rejection letter saying something like, “Love your story, but westerns don’t sell.” Daily, PRP proves westerns do sell, and they sell well. All of us are grateful to the underserved market of romance readers who crave being swept into the wild and wooly past by mild to wild love stories starring untamed heroes in Stetsons and the strong, determined heroines who show them they’ve met their match.

As an anniversary gift to itself, Prairie Rose Publications launched a new website Sept. 1. As all websites are, PRP’s is a never-ending work in progress. We refuse to stop tweaking existing components and adding new ones, because we believe readers and authors deserve more from a publisher than just the opportunity to buy or write books. Both deserve a peek behind the scenes, up-to-the-minute news, and fun little extras they won’t find anywhere else. In short, PRP’s new website is a gift to everyone the company holds dear: the readers and writers who are the reasons for PRP’s success.

Tromp around in our news digs at We hope you’ll like what you see. (Mind the extension cords and ladders decorating the floor in a few spots.) As with everything else we do, PRP welcomes comments and suggestions, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Thanks again to everyone who has supported and cheered on Prairie Rose Publications through its first year of growing pains. PRP plans to be around for a long, long time, putting every bit of its heart into western historical romance.


  1. Love the website and Happy Birthday! I wll say, on my computer the blue comments are a bit hard to read, but that would be nit-picking. You are doing so much, not only for authors, but readers also. There's a special place in Heaven for folks like you. But here, right now, may all good things continue to come your way. Doris

    1. Cheryl has the same problem with the blue type. It's on the "punch list" of things to change. One of the aggravating things about websites is that they look different on every monitor. The difficult to attain part is making that happen. :-D

      Thanks so much for your kind words. I believe there's a special place in Heaven for all people with good hearts -- Livia, Cheryl, you, and the many other wonderful folks I've been pleased to associate with at PRP. Here's a toast to all of us! :-)

  2. I so hear you about appreciate, nourish, and encourage. All y'all happened to me at just the right time. I soooo appreciate all the opportunities! I've got a middle grade story out soon, as well as a western historical romance Halloween Gothic tale...two genres I had no idea I could do...until PRP asked. Thank you, and I thank God for you.

    1. Tanya, it's difficult for me to imagine there's ANYTHING you couldn't do...but I'm glad PRP helped you discover new horizons. Isn't that fun? Cheryl and Livia teach me new things every day. They and PRP are true blessings.

      Thanks for stopping by today, sweetie!

  3. The new website is lookin' good, and I can't say I mind the construction workers meandering about the place. :) It's a blessing to be a part of a business that doesn't make it feel like business. You understand how important our stories and people are to us and really work with us to make sure we're happy with what goes to print. Here's to many more years of PRP!

    1. Rustler, put away the dang runnin' iron! I'll swear. It's not enough for you to nab any cowhand you see? Now you've got to go rustlin' hunky construction workers too. Sheesh. ;-)

      I love the way Livia and Cheryl work with authors until the finished product is just what everyone envisioned from the beginning. How often do authors find that? And, dangit, I agree with you again: Working with PRP feels more like playing. It's business, for sure, but not the kind that makes you dread going to work every morning.

      Hey! Didn't I tell you to get your paws off the workmen?

      Somebody get a rope.

  4. Happy Anniversary. I have to say it is exciting and full feeling to see someone's dreams come true. The new website is very nice. It has been my pleasure being a small part of this wonderful dream and wish you great success in the coming years.

    1. Barn, thanks for the warm words. PRP is so happy to have you with us. :-)

  5. Happy 1st Anniversary!!! The new website is so slick and shiny, I had to put on my sunglasses while I browsed. *wink* And may I add how honored I am to be one humble rose among so may gifted sister Roses? Well, I am. :-)

    A toast to PRP...

    *lifting a glass of beverage*

    May you always have an eagle in your pocket,
    A chicken on your table,
    And Wild Turkey in your glass.

    Well done, ladies. Well done.

    1. Kaye, I love that toast! Sounds almost Irish.

      Sorry about the sunglasses. Guess I should've warned you. ;-)

      You know, one of the things I appreciate most about PRP is the spirit of camaraderie among the Roses. That's really a great feeling, isn't it?

      Hold up that Wild Turkey! **clink**

  6. Congratulations PRP!! What a nice place this is to hang out. I'm really proud to be a part of it. I, too, lift a glass to everyone in toast. Let's hit the town...dinner and dancing...

    1. Yee-haw! Party at Kristy's place!

      Among the cactus...and the snakes...and the scorpions... I think I have something important to do that day. (I'm sure there's SOMETHING I can do. Clean the bathroom? ;-) )

    2. Well, you could clean MY bathroom...

    3. Hm. Let me think about that...

      Uh, NO. :-D

  7. Oh, and I almost forgot to say---awesome job on the website Kathleen!! I feel so famous, being on the front page. Excuse me while I sign a few autographs.

    1. I really can't take credit for the website. It was a cooperative venture. Cheryl, Livia, and every single one of the Roses were indispensable in the website's creation. :-)

      Oh. Sorry. Didn't mean to cut in line. I'll go to the back and wait my turn for an autograph. ;-)

  8. Kathleen, thank you for all your hard work on the website (and a myriad of other things!) and for all the ideas you have that I know you're just bustin' to do something with on the other websites, too. Livia and I started this company with the idea of helping other women be able to achieve their dreams, but we got so much more in the bargain. We were able to achieve OUR dreams, too--in many, many ways.

    I love the movie Field of Dreams. Y'all know the line, "If you build it, he will come." That's what I feel like with Prairie Rose Publications. We offered a place for it these dreams to come true and so many of you came! Livia and I are just thrilled and so excited to see it all happening!

    Thanks to all of you for being a part of this, and especially to Livia and Kathleen. When you all look at the website(s), just think of Kathleen because she has done it ALL. Just a fantastic, marvelous job. Livia and I would be muddling along without her--she sure does make it all easier for all of us.


    1. NOW STOP THAT! Have any of y'all considered that if that website breaks, I won't be able to hide out after this? Sheesh. Buncha big mouths. **grumble**

      You and Livia are way past due for seeing dreams come true. Y'all have made dreams reality for so many of us, and there will be many more in the future.

      PRP has roped some of the best authors in the business -- both established and emerging -- and I'm dang proud to be among them. I'm sure I speak for more than a few of us when I say we couldn't have found a better publisher.

  9. Congrats on your first anniversary! Thanks for giving all of us a place to find our favorite authors and their current works. Thanks to all the ladies that have been working so hard.

    1. Aw. Thank you for stopping by, Lynda. It's always good to see you. And thanks for your kind comments! Stick with us! There are some phenomenal new books coming out before the end of the year.

      BIG HUGS, lady!

  10. Has it been a year? When did that happen?

    Kathleen you did a wonderful job on the website. I love it! Lady, you have magical fingers. both in web design and writing. You are a delight to read, even if it's just a comment. I swear you make me laugh every day. I hope the website isn't taking up too much of your time, because I'm craving another of your stories.

    Prairie Rose and all of our other imprints may be a business, but I'm not sure you can call what we do a job, because we love PRP and all of the people involved. Maybe that's why it's hard to believe it's been a year.

    1. Livia, you find it hard to believe it's been a year because you haven't taken a breath since you began creating all those beautiful covers! :-D (Seriously: I could not anyone would hit PG right on the nose, but you did. And Peaches! GORGEOUS.)

      I think I mentioned above that PRP and its other imprints have attracted some of the best authors on the planet -- which is understandable, since you and Cheryl are a writer's dream to work with. (<-- Pay no attention to that dangling preposition. Cheryl's liable to dismember me if anyone points it out. ;-) )

      You're too kind about my stories. That means so much to me, since I've been a fan of your writing (and James') for years. Can you see my blushing over here? Thank you.

      (BTW: Cheryl's got PG [finally] -- mostly because I wanted to spare her charges of murder and desecration of a corpse...MINE! :-D )

    2. My = me. Don't point that out to Cheryl either. **hiding**

    3. Yep! At long last, the Okie has PG. I'm excited, too! :-D

    4. YES I DO! I have it in my hot little hands FINALLY! WHOO HOO!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (can y'all tell I'm excited?)

    5. YIPEEE! I can't wait to get a copy of PG to read. I know it will be a great story....I'm so excited my fingers are shaking. (I'm surprised I can even type ) Doris

    6. The only thing I've got to say about that is, if you thought Whit was cranky in PEACHES, just wait until you meet Mr. Bad Attitude in PRODIGAL GUN. I was about ready to hand the heroine a 2x4 and say "have at it, honey."

  11. Happy Anniversary and congratulations!

    1. Thank you, Claudia! Maybe we'll all come over to your place to celebrate, because you know where the horses are. Where there are horses, there are hunky horsemen. ;-) (Just don't tell Kirsten. It's all fun and games until she brings out the runnin' iron. ;-) )

  12. I'm not usually easily impressed, but when people can start a company and make it as successful as PRP has been in one year, I'm impressed. I also love the website. Anyone who can create things like this on a computer not only impress me, but I'm I awe of them. (I can't even get my picture to come up with my name though I've signed up for it. Maybe I'll stumble into how it's done one of these days.) Happy anniversary and congratulations.

    1. Agnes, send me an email, honey, and I'll see if I can help you get your picture to come up with your name. You're talking about on blog comments, right? Wherever, we'll figure it out. :-)

      And thanks for your sweet comments. I'm just in awe of what Livia and Cheryl have done in only one year, too. I think they've started something really special. PRP has tons of heart and spirit, thanks to all the very special women among the Roses. :-)

  13. Forgot to say, I'm thrilled to be a part of all this!!!!

    1. And the Roses are thrilled to have you! HUGS!!!!

  14. Hey, I'm on there! lol Beautiful website, Kathleen. And happy anniversary, PRP! I'm proud to be among the talented ladies writing for such a fabulous publisher.

  15. One of the things for which I'm grateful to PRP is raising the profile of anthologies. When Livia and Cheryl put together PRP's first two anthologies, hardly anyone was publishing collections of short stories, especially by groups of authors. Now EVERYONE has jumped on the bandwagon (though hopefully without my enthusiasm for cliches ;-) ).

    The other thing is bringing together a group of wonderful ladies who are wonderful storytellers. It's been such fun getting to know everyone and having my stories in the same books with authors -- and now friends -- I admire.

    You're one of those ladies, Tracy. Can't wait to see what you write next! :-)

  16. But where would PRP be without all of you? WE ALL MAKE A GREAT TEAM! I just know "Year 2" is going to be just as fabulous as the first one has been!

  17. I love the new web site. Great job on putting it together. Cheryl and Livia, you both have done a wonderful job publishing as many books as you have. Keep up the good work.

  18. I'm a bit late to the party, but ... Congratulations on ONE YEAR and on the flashy new website! Good job.
