Thursday, August 28, 2014

PRP New Release -- HOME FIRES By Kirsten Lynn -- Giveaway

A free ecopy will be given to one person who comments today. Be sure to leave your email if you want to participate in the giveaway.

Cord Matthews sets his sights on the open Montana Territory when the War Between the States rips everything from him. Olivia Bartlett, the only woman he's ever loved, has been killed--a cross marks the place where she lies buried. Cord builds a new dream, but a ghost from his past won’t let him forget what his heart wanted most.

Olivia, forced to flee her Virginia home, finds new purpose as a nurse to the wounded at Fort Laramie, Wyoming Territory. War and separation haven’t diminished her love for Cord Matthews, or her stubborn belief that he is coming for her. Danger threatens once more with the impending arrival of a new commander at Fort Laramie--a man who has already tried to kill her once. Olivia flees to Montana Territory, seeking refuge.

Reunited on the Montana frontier, can Cord and Olivia hold tight to their love and defeat the man who seeks to destroy them both?

    “Aunt Liv!”
    Like a fly, a voice buzzed around Olivia. The distressed nature of the voice entreated her to answer, but instead she swatted at the intrusion and leaned into Cord. The gray wool of his uniform brushed against her arms and raised tiny bumps over her flesh. Gentleman’s rhythmic cadence lulled her into a sense of peace. How many times had the buckskin horse carried she and Cord to their many adventures? She twisted in the saddle and lifted her face to gaze into Cord’s amber eyes memories passed between them. His mouth spread in a slow grin and he winked. 
    Olivia squared her shoulders and jabbed her forefinger into the rough wool covering his chest. “You will come back to me, Cordell Matthews.”
    Cord’s chuckle rumbled under her. The sound blanketed her in warmth and settled in her heart. 
    “You could give a general lessons in how to issue orders, sugar.” 
    An invisible force shook her shoulders threatening to unseat her. She frowned. Cord’s grip tightened, but he continued on as if nothing untoward happened. Livy followed his lead refusing to ruin this time with Cord.
    “Yes, Livy, the whole of the Union Army couldn’t keep me away from you. Then I’m going to marry you, and we’re going to settle here and raise horses and babies.” A long road loomed just a few feet away. Disquieted both shifted in the saddle. His arm tightened on her waist and pulled her closer. Cord tugged Gentleman’s reins, stopping him at the crossroads. One road led Olivia back to the Matthews’ farm. One led Cord to war.
    Olivia held Cord’s hand and slid from the saddle. She brushed her lips across his knuckles. “I love you, Cord.”
    “I’ve always loved you, Olivia Bartlett, and I suspect I will through this life and the next. You don’t be giving your heart to anyone else while I’m gone.”
    She held his gaze. “Never. No matter how long. God be with you.”
    His hand slipped from hers and he spurred Gentleman forward. Olivia stood waving long after any sign of man or horse disappeared. Tears streamed down her face and her hand dropped.
    Olivia turned her face to the trees lining the road. A breeze rustled the trees and carried a voice. “Aunt Liv, please!” 
    A weight shoved with vigor against her shoulder. Olivia resisted the pull to open her eyes. She pressed her face deeper into her pillow holding onto her dreams, where Cord was. Real or dream, Olivia cherished any time she was allowed with him.
    “Aunt Liv, p-please, I n-need you!” 



  1. What a wonderful story this is, Kirsten! I know you are thrilled to death to finally get Livy and Cord's story out for the world to share! Congratulations, and keep 'em coming!

    1. Cheryl,

      Thank you so much for taking a chance on a Wyoming Rustler and her crazy characters! It's been a wild ride and I can't wait to do it again! You're not getting rid of me now. :)

    2. Lord, I hope not! We love having you as a rose! LOL Love your stories, Kirsten. Congratulations again!

  2. Rustler, get down from there! What have we told you about swinging from the rafters? Sheesh. Some debut authors just go hog wild, don't they? ;-)

    CONGRATULATIONS! It's about dang time you got Livy and Cord out here among us. Gorgeous cover, wonderful story... What more could a writer or reader hope for?

    I wish you all the best with Home Fries. FIRES, dang it. I meant Home FIRES!

    1. LOL! The original title was "Grillin' on the Range." Thanks so much for all your support and the huge push to get this story over to PRP!

      I just love Cord and Livy and hope the world embraces them, too. They're crazy (don't know where that comes from) and fun and get into way too much trouble. :)

  3. Congratulations Kirsten!! So happy for you and I look forward to reading it. Can't wait for the sequel HOME HAMBURGERS...

    1. Pass the paper towels, Kristy. My computer screen is covered with a mouthful of coffee. :-D

    2. LOL, Kristy!! Thanks for stopping by and all the support. Actually, the third in the series "HOME...Pass the Dang Ketchup" is my favorite and a real tug on the heartstrings.

    3. Consarnit, Rustler! And I just got the screen wiped off, too!

    4. Ladies, I hurt myself laughing over the titles. Now I'm obsessing... 'Cut the Mustard' - A Heart-Tugging Tale of Home Fries and Hamburgers

    5. Seriously, though, stories set around the Civil War era are right at the top of my reading list. I wish you huge successes with this book. *grin*

    6. Kaye, I can see those characters getting themselves into a real pickle.

    7. Kathleen, It'll be a big dill if they do, so they'd butter hope there's a margarine of error... 0_o

    8. Wow, I think y'all are trying too hard today!

      Thanks, Kaye! Hope you enjoy the story...if you get past the title. :)

    9. Kirsten,

      All kidding aside, I've already downloaded Home Fires to my Kindle, and it's next up on my reading list. I'm looking forward to reading it soon. ;-)

  4. YES! I will have to clear my list and get this read. Oh well, who needs sleep.

    All joking aside, (that is if I was joking) congratulations. I wish you the very best with this, it sounds so good, and loved the excerpt. WHOOPEE! Doris

    1. Thanks so much, Doris!! You've been such an encourager through this process. I so hope you'll love Cord and Livy and enjoy getting to know them as much as I did.

    2. You know I will, look who's telling their story They wouldn't have let you see what they were doing if they hadn't trusted you. Doris

    3. Um, Doris? Considering what those two are doing, I'm surprised they let ANYONE see! :-D

    4. Thanks Doris! I was honored Cord and Livy trusted me with their story. (And don't listen to Tex, they don't do anything men and women haven't been doing for thousands of years...they just add a bit of spice).

  5. Deeeeelighted for you, Rustler!! PARTY HEARTY with Cole 'n Livy! ♥ ~ Cindy

    1. Thanks so very much, Cindy!! The hero's name is Cord though, don't cause more scandal then these two already have. :) Seriously, thanks for all the support and help along the way!

    2. GAH!! My fat fingers got in the way o' my typing, sweetie...I'm so sorry. I knew 'twas Cord [and what a hunky hero-sounding name that is, too!]. And I love the excerpt...CORD has his hands full with Livy. ☺

    3. Not a problem, Owl! I know how the fingers can get ahead of the brain. :)

  6. Way to go Kristen. I'm happy for you. How exciting!

    1. Thanks so much, Connie!! I'm walking on the clouds!

  7. Kirsten,


    The excerpt definitely left me wanting more... And Cord is one of my favorite hero names. Can't wait to read it.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Alisa! I love the name Cord, too! Hope you love the rest of the story!

  8. Congratulations, Kirsten, on the release of HOME FIRES! I enjoyed the excerpt and look forward to reading more!

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

    1. I'm thrilled you enjoyed the excerpt, Britney!! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll love Cord and Olivia!

  9. It dang well took you long enough, Rustler. I'm thinkin' Cord and Livy are plenty ready to be on stage after you hid them in the steamer trunk. Bring out the whiskey and sourdough biscuits!

    1. Well, I didn't really hide them. They were shopped around, but told "westerns weren't selling." So blame those guys for keeping 'em off the shelf. :) We're all ready and can't wait to introduce these two to the wild world...they'll fit right in. :)

  10. Oh my look at all of these posts. the story sounds wonderful, anything Civil War era has my attention. I loved the excerpt. Congratulations on Home Fires release!

    1. Thanks so much, Barb! Hope you love the story!!

  11. I could have sworn I came over here some time ago and commented, but I must have had an air bubble in my brain.
    Congratulations on your new release, Kirsten. Homes Fires is the perfect title. What is it about the American Civil War that we just can't let go? So many of us have ancestors who fought in this war. Maybe that's part of our fascination. You chose well for the backdrop of Home Fires, Kirsten.
    I wish you every success.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by...twice! :) I think the Civil War stays with us because it was a war that affected all aspects of the America from and as you mentioned many of us have an ancestor or two in the conflict.
      Hope you love the story, Sarah!! :)

  12. Congratulations Kristen. You book looks wonderful. I'm in the process of downloading several PRP books. Yours will be one of them.

    1. Thanks so much, Agnes! I hope you enjoy getting to know Cord and Livy as much as I did!

  13. The winner of HOME FIRES is Britney Adams!! Thank you all so much for stopping by today and helping me celebrate Cord and Livy's release into the wild world! You made it an amazing day! HUGS!!

    Britney, I've emailed you with directions on how to get your free ebook! I hope you enjoy spending time with Cord and Liv!

  14. Congratulations to Britney, and to you Kirsten. Doris

  15. Thanks so much, Kirsten!! I am excited to read Cord and Livy's story, but have not received an email.

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

  16. Britney,

    I got a message saying the delivery of my email to you was being delayed. Not sure why. I just sent the message again. Please, let me know if you get it.
