Thursday, August 14, 2014

New Release: DRINA'S CHOICE by Agnes Alexander -- Giveaway

A free ecopy will be given to one person who comments today. Be sure to leave a way to contact you if you want to participate in the giveaway.

Blurb: To escape her abusive father, Drina Hamilton feels she has no choice but to make the long trek to Arizona to become the wife of a rancher she only knows from the one letter his uncle has written her.

To redeem the mortgage on his Rocking Chair Ranch, Aaron Wilcox is being forced to marry the woman his uncle has chosen from the mail-order-bride ad he put in a Georgia newspaper.

As Drina and Aaron struggle with the situation they’ve been forced into, they are unaware there is a sinister plan in the works to murder Aaron, and force the sale of the huge ranch.

Bio: In 2012 Agnes Alexander’s first western historical romance was published. Drina’s Choice is her 7th in the genre. Agnes has lived all her life in her home state of NC, but loves to travel. Though she has visited 48 of the 50 states, she says she has an affinity with the west and loves writing and researching this genre. Other than traveling, her most favorite thing to do is spend time with her two grandchildren.   Website  Facebook   Pinterest

    Drina Hamilton clutched her worn reticule tightly to her chest as the train rattled across Ari-zona, but the sound of her father’s words still pounded in her ears blocking out the noise of the metal monster’s wheels on the track. Was her father right? Was she making the biggest mistake of her life by deciding to accept the proposal of an unknown cowboy? Was this choice too much of a gamble for a woman who would be nineteen in three weeks, though she didn’t look it? Dare she believe that choosing to marry a stranger was the answer to her prayers? Not only for herself, but for Hannah, too. No matter what her younger sister told her, Drina was sure the girl’s life with their Aunt Verbena was not a happy one. But for several, not clearly explained, complicated reason, the youngest Hamilton daughter had to stay there.
    To calm her nerves, Drina took the letter she kept secure in her drawstring purse, unfolded it and read the words for probably the hundredth time.
    Miss Hamilton, as my ad in the Savannah newspaper stated, I’m helping my nephew look for a suitable wife who has an unsullied reputation, who can read and write and give him children. Since your letter stated you qualify in these areas, I had you investigated and found you to be everything you said you were. My nephew has decided you are the one he will marry. As soon as you let him know you are coming west, he will wire you the money for the train trip to Phoenix and sufficient funds to cover your traveling expenses, plus the ticket for the stagecoach to Hatchet Springs. If you find he pleases you as husband material, he agrees to help you with your sister, Hannah, as you requested. The day you leave Savannah, please wire him the time and date of your expected arrival and you will be met at the stage stop in Hatchet Springs. Walter Wilcox for my nephew, Aaron Wilcox.
    There was no declaration of the possibility love ever becoming a part of the marriage in the future. Of course, she didn’t expect this. She was as much a stranger to Aaron Wilcox and his uncle as they were to her. But they could have said they were pleased I accepted the marriage proposal. Unquestionably, they couldn’t know how hard it was for me to make this choice.

Links:  Smashwords    Barnes & Noble  (Coming Soon)



  1. Mail order bride stories are so intriguing. Thanks for the chance to win.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. I like mail-order-bride stories, too, Debby. It was a fun book to write.

    2. this sounds like a good book. I will add it to my TBR list :)

    3. Thanks, Rain. I hope you like the book.

  2. Sounds intriguing. Congratulations on getting your book published. I look forward to reading it. zinaabbott at gmail dot com (Robyn Echols writing history as Zina Abbott.)

    1. I'm excited about it coming out, too. I loved working with Prairie Rose Publications. It's been a good experience.

  3. Never mind entering me in the contest, Agnes. I already bought your book. Best wishes for success on your book! (Robyn Echols writing history as Zina Abbott.)

    1. Thank you, thank you. I hope you enjoy the book.

  4. Congratulations and good luck! Sounds like a good story. As the granddaughter of a real mail-order bride (from Italy), I am always intrigued by these stories....also have one up my sleeve (not ready for submission, however!).....again, congratulations!! PRP is such a great publishing company to be part of :-)

    1. How exciting to have such a background at your fingertips, Gail. Is your book about your grandmother? I agree PRP is a wonderful publisher to work with. I'm so glad I found them.

  5. Agnes, big congrats on this release! I've added it to the ever-expanding TBR pile. Wishing you much success, sweetheart! :-)

  6. Agnes, Congrats on the new release! It sounds like a great story. I'll be adding it to my TBR pile!

    1. Kirsten, I hope you enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for the comment.

  7. Thanks so much, Kathleen. I'm excited about the book and am especially impressed with PRP and the way they do things. It's been a great experience working with everyone and I hope to write more books for them.


  8. I love historical novels! Thanks for the chance to win!

    1. I hope you like this one, Kathy. Good luck in the drawing;

  9. I love the mail order bride stories. They really had to be brave to leave their homes and families to travel to marry someone they have never met. The twist in the story also sounds intriging.

    1. I like the mail-order bride stories, too, Lynda. It was fun writing this one.

  10. Yet another great book to add to the TBR list...sigh. Thank you and best. Doris

    1. Thanks, Doris. I'm beyond excited about this book. It was so much fun to write.

  11. Agnes,
    Congrat on the new release and becoming a Prairie Rose. The story sounds wonderful, and you had me at...Arizona (my home state). Don't include me in the drawing. I'm off to download now!

  12. Thanks Kristy. I envy you living in the west. Every time I've visited, I haven't wanted to come home. (I think I might have been a cowboy in a past life. hee-hee). I hope you like Drina's Choice,

    1. Agnes,
      I know how you feel. I did much of my early western writing while I lived in Pennsylvania. My visits out west were never long enough. I'm so happy to be back in Arizona full-time now.

  13. The thing I like best about mail-order-bride stories is the slow development of love over time. The characters bloom like flowers into love which makes it more meaningful and deep, in my way of thinking. It's so much more romantic than love at first sight that might last a week. Just sayin'...
    I enjoyed reading about Drina's Choice. I'm sure the fact that the letter was written by the uncle rather than the husband-to-be has a great deal to do with the story line. I wish you every success, Agnes. I wish you had included a short bio so I could know more about you. From your comments to others, I assume you are not from the west. I'm not, either. I live in North Carolina.

    1. Hi Sarah,
      I'm also a Tar Heel. I was born and raised in NC and still live here, in High Point. I saw that you were from Charlotte. I have a sister there and come down often. In fact, will be down Sunday for the yearly writers meeting. You might be interested if there's still room. No charge. You just have to buy your own lunch. Check the Murder we Write website and you will see the details. (My grandmother was a McNeal. It may be a smaller world than we think.) I just finished your story "Hollow Heart." Enjoyed it very much. Thanks for posting.

  14. Hi Agnes,

    Congrats on this new release. I'm quite a newbie when it comes to historical western stories/historical western romance. See, I live in Montréal, in the province of Québec (Canada). So, the nearest I got to the West is watching westerns on TV and some fanfiction stories I wrote for Lancer, my favorite western series back when I was a teenager. :)

    Mail-order brides is something new for me as I didn't know this existed. Through PRP, I've discovered a few authors and have started a reading spree (thanks to Kathleen, Cindy, Caroline, Jacquie and, of course, Cheryl, a long-time friend in the world of fanfiction). I love anything that deals with history so I'm sure I will like your story.

    If I win, you can reach me at:

    And if I don't, well, your book will be on my list of books to get. :)

    1. Hi Liette,
      I had published around 20 books and it took me a while to get around to writing the western, Though I have always loved to read the genre. Now everyone tells me I have found my place in the writing world. I hope so because I certainly like writing them. The mail-order-bride stories are some I love to read. They came about when the west was being settled and mostly by men alone. They often wanted a wife for company and to produce children for them. Thanks for posting and good luck in the drawing.

  15. Congratulations, Agnes! This was a really fine story, and I enjoyed it very very much!

    We're so glad to have you with us!

    1. Thanks Cheryl,
      I'm so glad you enjoyed Drina and I'm delighted to be a part of your company.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. The winner of the free book is: Debby. Congratulations. I have emailed you instructions of how to download your book.

