Thursday, July 17, 2014

PRP New Release Home For His Heart by Angela Raines -- Free Giveaway

Angela will be giving away a free ebook of HOME FOR HIS HEART to one lucky person who comments on this blog.

Clara Cross ran away as a young girl after the suspicious deaths of her parents, and has spent the last nine years trying to find safety from a man she had reason to fear. Finally landing in the small town of Agate Gulch in the high Colorado mountains, she believes she may have found a safe home at last, and can send for the brother she had to leave behind. Sam Tower is the man she loves—but would he ever give her a second glance? When Clara’s past catches up with her, her survival depends on her own strength and courage, as well as Sam’s.

Sam Tower runs on a ranch with his friend, Paul Ward, near Agate Gulch. Sam has been running from the past since the loss of his family, and the injury he received as a fife and drum boy in the Civil War. Clara is everything he admires and loves—but she is too good a person for him. When Clara is kidnapped, Sam begins a journey of discovery and finds what he’s always wanted—a HOME FOR HIS HEART.


   “So, Sally, are you and Paul ever going to get married?”
Paul Ward and Sam Tower had started ranching on the Welty spread five miles outside of town a year ago. They’d taken over after John Welty was killed in a stampede. They were new hires when the accident happened. Mrs. Welty was happy to sell to them, especially since Paul was hurt while trying to save John.
   Paul and Sally had been spending quite a lot of time together. Clara thought they were perfect for each other. She hoped for an announcement soon. Her friend deserved to be happy.
   “He has to ask me first,” Sally said as she blushed. “And what about you and Sam?”
   “What about me and Sam? We’re just friends, nothing more, so stop your matchmaking, you hear?” Clara laughed, turning her head so Sally wouldn't see the moisture in her eyes.
   Clara admitted to herself, she was half in love with Sam. Tall Sam with the brown eyes, dark brows, and blond hair. Clara knew he enjoyed her company, but just as friends. No one would want someone who looked like her.
    “No one’ll want an ugly girl like you.” The words from her childhood kept running through her mind every time she thought of Sam. If only she were pretty.
   Sally’s insistent words broke through Clara’s reflections.
   “But Clara, he is a great catch. He’s a hard worker, kind, and considerate. And he doesn’t like to fight—unlike some of the others around here.”
   “I’m not blind, but—let’s finish bringing out the food.” Clara said, hoping to change the subject.
   Clara was glad Sam was a friend. It started with her cooking, and a comfortable friendship had grown from those first few meals. With her looks, Clara knew it would never be more.
   From inside the restaurant, Clara heard the sound of horses running, then coming to a stop. The door flew open, and in walked Sam and Paul.
   “Where’s the pie?” shouted Paul.
   “Where’s the tables?” asked Sam at the same time.
   “The pies are safe from your sticky fingers. You’ll have to wait, just like the others,” said Sally as she walked up to Paul. She threw her arms around his waist, raising her face for a kiss.
He pulled her close for a quick kiss and hug.
   “With the weather so nice, we’ve decided to eat outside this year,” said Clara, in answer to Sam’s question.
   “Don’t tell me you moved the tables outside by yourselves,” said Sam. “If you’d waited, we could have helped.”
   “You’re just in time to help set up the barrels and planks,” Clara replied.
   “Point us in the right direction,” Paul said, as he moved toward the door.
   “Be glad to help,” said Sam, following Paul out the door.
   Soon, the area was full of talk and laughter. Clara stood off to the side watching. Her friends and patrons were enjoying her offerings—a warm and happy feeling. How far she’d come since that fateful night when she ran away and changed her name!


  1. Congratulations on your new book Angela!

    1. Thank you Linda, It is exciting, and Angela Raines is the name I use for my fiction. Doris

    2. I am intrigued by Clara's past. It must have been horrible to make her run away and change her name. What is it about her looks that has her so discouraged? Does she think she's plain, or does she have some scar or injury that makes her doubt her beauty?
      Congratulations on your new release, Angela. It's always so exciting to get a new book out, isn't it? All the best to you.

    3. Sarah,

      I'm glad you are intrigued. I was working for that. Of course I hope the story will answer your questions.
      I am excited and thank you so much for your support. Doris

  2. Congrats Doris!!
    For some reason my Kindle is on the blink this morning, but as soon as I get it working, I plan to download your story.

    1. Kristy,

      Sorry about the Kindle. I hope you enjoy the story half as much as I did writing it. The characters came from my years working with delinquent juveniles... Doris

  3. Congratulations, Doris! Release day is finally here! Don't be nervous, though. This is a very sweet story and one that I enjoyed! I always love the self-doubts a hero has, because well, WE know they're unfounded and that he's going to be just perfect in the eyes of the heroine! LOL

    Congratulations again on a wonderful tale!

    1. Thank you Cheryl, and thank you for all you have done. I did love these characters. Like I said in my reply to Kristy's post, they came from my years working with delinquents...if you can believe that. (Smile) Doris

  4. Congratulations on the new release, Doris!!!

    1. Kristen,

      Thanks You! It has been a journey, a bit stressful at times, but fun none the less. Doris

  5. Congratulations! The on the new release. Sounds like a wonderful book.

    1. Agnes,

      Thank you. It was a fun story to write. Doris

  6. Looks like a fun and exciting story. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you! It was a story that just wanted to be told, and fun to tell. Doris

  7. Congratulations on your new book. I sure that the characters will live within you for always just like your children live in your heart. A first-born book or child is always special.

    1. Lynda, you have that correct. They were compilations of some folks I knew in my former career...names and stories combined to protect the guilty...(Smile) Doris

  8. Great news! I'm in for the drawing, but dear Lord, how am I going to remember the name Angela if I don't win and have your lovely book make an indelible print on my brain? I'll try my hardest, though, because it's a must read one way or the other. Congrats again.

    1. Nancy, Thank you!!!! Your words brought a smile to my face. I'll have to write a haiku about that, but will expect one of yours in return. (Grin) However you read it, I hope you enjoy it. Doris

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you Sally, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed telling this story. Smile Doris

    2. Doris,

      Cheers to you on release day!!! Your book title has such a warm fuzzy feel to it. *grin*.

    3. Kaye, Thank you, it is a bit of an overwhelm, but I'm also very excited. Glad you like the title...may all readers find their hearts enjoying home. (Smile)

  10. BIG congratulations Doris. What a fun read this story promises to be.

    1. Mary, thank you so much for stopping by and your encouragement. I always kept saying I was going to write a story...and I DID! Hope you enjoy it. Doris

  11. Congratulations! It looks like a fun read. I'm curious about Clara's background and hope it comes out in the story.

    1. Robyn,
      Thank you! I do hope you enjoy Clara and Sam's story. I think you will be pleased with what you learn.


  12. Always happy to "meet" a new western historical author. You're with good people at Prairie Rose.

    1. Caroline,
      Thank you. I have enjoyed your stories a great deal. I am happy to be 'met', (grin) You are right, PRP is a great place to be.


  13. Congratulations on your new book! I'm looking forward to reading it.

    1. Carol Ann, Thank you so much. If you enjoy it half as much as I did writing it, it will be fun.

  14. Doris, I'm so sorry I'm late chiming in on this! Biggest congratulations on the release of your debut, dear friend. I just know this will be the start of a stellar, satisfying career.

    Already downloaded a copy! HUGS!!!!

    1. Kathleen, I'm just glad you stopped by. I had been saying that I wanted to write, and finally said to myself, shut up and just do it. I do hope you enjoy the story. Now the nerves have started again...Smile. Thanks for your continued support and friendship Doris

  15. Sounds wonderful. I can't wait to read it. Cher'ley

    1. Cher'ley, thank you. When I saw you name a bit smile appeared, a "Wrangler" followed me. . Hope you enjoy it. I did have fun working out the logistics of bringing the story these two kept after me to tell. Warmly, Doris

  16. Congrats on your debut. I'm intrigued and so happy to 'meet' another western historical author. ^_^

    1. Thank you Lori, I am being made to feel very welcome here. I had fun with this story and hope the you readers will also. Doris

  17. Carol Ann Pileggi you are the winner of the ebook! Contact me at renawomyn at gmail dot com and I will send you what you need to collect your book. Congratulations! Doris

    And thanks to everyone who stopped by to make a new author feel very 'loved' !

  18. Doris,
    Congratulations on bringing your dream to reality! An aside: I gave the protagonist in my WIP the last name of Welty, for Eudora Welty. What inspired your choice?

    1. Arletta, there was a family by that name in the area I wrote about who actually had a ranch in the high mountain valley. They were one of the first homesteaders in what became the Cripple Creek - Victor gold mining district.

      And thank you for the kind words and support. Doris
