Thursday, July 31, 2014


I met Livia when I became a member of the Western Fictioneers professional writing group. At that time, there were not very many women in the ranks, and I was sure glad to have her to ask questions of and to toss ideas out to. When she asked for help with the WF blog, I was more than happy to step up and help as much as I possibly could. As time passed, we became friends—a friendship I cherish. That’s what led to even better things!

We’d talked about starting a publishing company for women only –because, let’s face it, women have the devil’s own time breaking into genres that have always been male gender specific—westerns and science fiction offerings being the two biggest culprits. So, since we both wrote westerns, we decided that was a good place to start. We knew there were a lot of ladies out there who were darn good western writers that just needed a chance to show what they could do—and New York City was certainly not providing that opportunity any more—not even to a lot of the men who wrote westerns, and had done so for years.

Prairie Rose Publications will be one year old next month, as I talked about earlier this week. Livia and I have found that we work very well together, and the business has boomed and expanded so much that we’ve added another company administrator, Kathleen Rice Adams, as our Promotions, Publicity, and Media Coordinator! We can’t even imagine doing this without her help at this point.

Livia’s not one to “toot her own horn” as my mother used to call it, so I want to take this opportunity to show you some of the things that she’s done this year with PRP and our imprint for younger readers, PAINTED PONY BOOKS!
Let’s start with CHARLIE’S PIE! This short story first appeared in our very first anthology here at PRP. When Livia entered the anthology with eight stories into the Western Fictioneers Short Fiction category for the Peacemaker Award, something wonderful happened. Charlie’s Pie WON! We are all so proud of Livia’s win—we were in the same anthology, and it was our first venture, so we were all rooting for one another—and she took the prize!
One of the first books we published in our PAINTED PONY BOOKS line for our middle-grade reader group was a book by Livia and her husband, James Reasoner, called THE PHANTOM RANGER AND THE SKATEBOARD GANG.

This was a book they’d written together, then put aside for a while—until Painted Pony Books became the venue to bring it to life for new middle grade readers!
Codi Jackson and her father have been forced to move again. Codi’s getting used to being the “new girl” in her fifth grade class—but that doesn’t mean she has to like it. Can’t life just be normal? With her mother out of the picture and her father working odd shifts as a police officer, friends are important—as long as they’re not the wrong kind.

When Codi and a classmate, Keith Wright, are assigned to work on a history project, Codi has to make some hard decisions about her popularity in her new school.

But everything changes when Codi picks up an old Texas Rangers badge that belonged to one of her ancestors and he appears right before her eyes! Her great-great-great-grandfather says he’s come to help her, but how? And how is she going to explain the ghost of her long-ago Gramps to her history project partner and her father?

Livia and James also penned another middle grade reader book for the younger set about a young Indian girl named Mockingbird that is just wonderful. Here’s a bit about MOCKINGBIRD AND BIG EARL:

They were an unlikely team, the big, gruff circuit court judge and the talkative Blackfoot girl. Together they travel across the Old West solving mysteries and bringing justice. Judge Earl Stark comes to El Paso to try the case of a man accused of a crime, but it's Mockingbird who finds the clues that lead to what really happened. A man's future depends on a missing dog, and it's up to Mockingbird to figure out the truth!
GUARDING HER HEART was the short story Livia penned for HEARTS AND SPURS, our PRP Valentine’s Day anthology. Another winning novella, and if you have not read this entire anthology, you’re in for a very “sweet” surprise—for only $2.99!
Take a look at MENDING FENCES, Livia’s full-length western historical romance novel that is guaranteed to steal your heart and your imagination! Right now, you can snap it up for only .99! Yep, that’s normally what you’d pay for a novella or short story! And with this gorgeous new cover, you can’t go wrong on what’s inside.
Livia’s latest novella, THE BRIDE AND THE BADGE, was written for one of the summer anthologies that PRP produced in May. If you’re looking for suspense, action and romance all mixed together, give THE BRIDE AND THE BADGE a read, as well as the other stories inside this collection!

Was Emily just bait for an outlaw trap—or did she mean more than that to the handsome Texas Ranger?

For these and all the other PRP books, visit our website here:

For all of LIVIA'S BOOKS, visit her AUTHOR PAGE:


  1. All of the books look fantastic.


  2. Thank you Mary. I certainly had fun with them.

  3. Cheryl, you are a gem. You took that Western Fictioneers blog and made it shine. You are doing the same wonderful job here. You are an amazingly talented lady and I'm lucky to call you my partner and my friend. Thank you for putting this together.

    1. Aw, thank you, Livia. And to think, there was a time I didn't even know what a blog was. LOL You're very welcome--I was glad to put it together and get it up. I feel the same--very lucky.

  4. I read Charlie's Pie in the anthology and it touched my heart. It was such a heartfelt story. Livia, you are such a diverse writer, able to write romance and children's stories. I'm amazed by your skill. I'm so happy you and Cheryl decided to team up and start this amazing publishing company.
    Although I didn't see it mentioned here, I also want to tell you I am just taken back by your skill at making book covers. You seem to have a gift for knowing the heart of the story and depicting it in an image.
    All good things to your corner of the universe. I wish you continued success in all you do.

    1. Thank you Sarah, you are very sweet, just like your stories. I really love the time period you write so many of yours stories in. The turn of the century is a fascinating time. You still have the wild west, but technology is changing so much.

      I've always loved reading a variety of genres over the years, so I try my hand at them, western, cozy mystery, hardboiled mystery, historical, romance, paranormal, YA, even a little fantasy, all fun in different ways. As for the covers, at heart I always wanted to be able to paint. I stumbled onto creating covers when James and I started publishing our out of print novels. I found I really enjoyed it. Cover art satisfies some of that yearning to paint.

  5. Wow Livia! It is wonderful to see your work and hear about it from this perspective. As your friend says, you don't "toot your own horn" but this is impressive! Congratulations!

  6. Although I write and enjoy it, I am a reader, a compulsive one at that. One of my greatest joys is getting a new PRP book, especially the anthologies. Not only do Livia's covers grab my attention, the stories make me a believer. Livia is a genius in so many ways, a beautiful person, a great artistic eye, and a hell of a writer.
    Thank you both for having the courage to support and encourage the creativity of others.Congratulations and I know you both work so hard and we love you both for all you have and are doing. Doris

    1. Doris, I'm a compulsive reader too, and I believe that helps with the writing. Thank you dear lady for the kind words. I had enormous fun reading your Home for His Heart.

    2. Thank you Livia. Your words mean a lot and bring a smile. Doris

  7. And don't forget the Lucas Hallam books. WILD NIGHT was the first one I read, and it's terrific. Any chance for some new Hallam stories, Livia?

    1. Rich, I'll always be writing Hallam stories. I've been writing stories about him for over 30 years now. I'm working on a story for one of Prairie Rose's Christmas anthologies where Hallam is the supporting character. This one is all about Pecos.

      I just finished reading your Racing a Dog Star that is coming out soon. What fun.

  8. Livia, you are multi-tasker extraordinaire! I am in awe at all the things you do and achieve. Bravo! And thank you for doing them.

    1. Speaking about a multi-tasker, doctor, writer, vice president of WF. You stay mighty busy. Thanks for coming by.

  9. You are an inspiration to others in so many ways. What you wanted wasn't there, so you made it happen! Not many can say that, you deserve it! And to get an award just after, Ha, there's to you New York! Eat Livia's dust!

  10. Livia,

    To take Keith's words "multi-tasker extraordinaire" a step further...there for a while, you were an amazing one-armed multi-tasker after you broke your arm. ;-)

    1. Kaye, I finally have more movement in the arm just in the last couple weeks. Seemed like it took forever to start healing. Physical therapy still wipes me out, but it's getting easier. Thanks for commenting and I hope you are having a wonderful week.

  11. Livia, I can't add anything to what others have said, so I'll just send my love to one of the most generous, down-to-earth, and hardworking ladies I've ever been privileged to know.

    As for your writing... CHARLIE'S PIE is a masterful piece of work. I was just tickled to death when it won the Peacemaker for short fiction. I love your Lucas Hallam stories, too, and the WIND RIVER series you and James wrote are fantastic. If I were forced to choose only one of your stories, though, it would have to be MENDING FENCES. That novel is one of those thoroughly captivating books readers can't get out of their heads even after they've reached the end. :-)

    1. Kathleen, thank you for the kind words about Mending Fences. This was one where I almost quit the business of writing. My agent had died, and I couldn't sell anywhere. Then James editor offered to give me a break and asked me to try my hand at a romance. She did take out my big shootout at the end, but she's also the agent that had bidding wars going for my mysteries, so I forgave her.

      I really wish you had a trunk full of stories, because I love your writing.

  12. Livia,
    So grateful to know you! You're very generous with your talent and experience. I've got 'Mending Fences' on my Kindle and I look forward to reading it. :-) And I love all your covers, especially the one for my book, 'Into The Land Of Shadows'. You and James are so prolific, a great example of where hard work and perseverance can take you. Cheers!!

    1. Kristy, you gave me a great book to work with. Loved Into The Land of Shadows. Thank you for all of the kind words.

  13. Wow! I'm amazed that you can write so many different genres. And, I just love your covers. You are indeed a multi-talented woman, Livia. PRP was indeed a wonderful idea and I'm glad you and Cheryl - along with Kathleen - decided to give it a go. I'm slowly starting to put aside a little bit of money and I intend to buy quite a few of the books PRP is publishing - the process will be slow but I'll get there eventually. :)

    1. Liette, Kathleen was the reason Cheryl and I started talking about publishing books. She was the gem behind the whole idea, and boy has she shined. Thank you so much for buying PRP books.

  14. Livia,

    You are one talented woman! Thank you for using those talents to help the rest of us get our stories out there in a gorgeous package. I loved CHARLIE'S PIE and MENDING FENCES, but one of my favorites will always be the WIND RIVER series.

    1. Thank you Kirsten. The Wind River series was so much fun. James and I had all six books plotted out before the first book was ever written. It was nice being able to set up a mystery in the first book, that you don't discover the solution until the 6th book. We wrote a seventh book, but haven't had a chance to return to Wind River.

  15. I love the anthologies from PRP. Now I'm going to start the individual books that I haven't yet read. Best wishes for continued success.

  16. Thank you Caroline. PRP has four more anthologies coming just this year. We have so many talented ladies that we can't get these anthologies published fast enough.

  17. And the winners are Mary Preston for Mending Fences, and Evonne Cordell for Charlie's Pie. You will be hearing from me shortly.

  18. Hi Livia. I'm late to the conversation as usual! The problem with living in another time zone I guess. It's lovely to find out more about you. I loved 'Guarding her heart'.I 'm really glad that you two ladies saw that opening and stepped right in to fill it. A pair of no-nonsense gals eh? I have one big question for you, (and Cheryl, and Kathleen) Over there in USA are there 100 hours in a day? because otherwise I don't know how you manage to fit everything you do into my 'normal' 12 hours! Bless you all for your hard work on behalf of all your authors. X

    1. Hi Jill,

      My normal is closer to a 16 hour day lately, but I'd rather be too busy than bored.
