Saturday, July 26, 2014


What’s better than a slice of cold watermelon on a hot July day? How about CHRISTMAS IN JULY! Yep, here at Prairie Rose Publications, we’re celebrating early and trying to drive off the heat for a spell!

Did y’all know that the National Day of the American Cowboy is a legally observed day now here in the good ol’ US of A? Well, it might just be one day that’s legally observed, but here at PRP, we think it deserves a whole week! And we’re celebrating with our Christmas stories, combined to make one doozy of a holiday sale—CHRISTMAS IN JULY! If you’re curious, here’s what the resolution has to say about it. Take a look and then we’ll talk about how WE’RE celebrating!

This resolution recognizes the important role that the cowboy has played in the American West and calls on people to celebrate the cowboy’s influence on our history and culture.

Designating July 26, 2014, as ‘‘National Day of the American Cowboy’’.

Whereas pioneering men and women, recognized as ‘‘cowboys’’, helped to establish the American West; Whereas the cowboy embodies honesty, integrity, courage, compassion, respect, a strong work ethic, and patriotism; Whereas the cowboy spirit exemplifies strength of character, sound family values, and good common sense; Whereas the cowboy archetype transcends ethnicity, gender, geographic boundaries, and political affiliations; Whereas the cowboy, who lives off the land and works to protect and enhance the environment, is an excellent steward of the land and its creatures; Whereas cowboy traditions have been a part of American culture for generations; Whereas the cowboy continues to be an important part of the economy through the work of many thousands of ranchers across the United States who contribute to the economic well-being of every State;

Whereas millions of fans watch professional and working ranch rodeo events annually, making rodeo one of the most-watched sports in the United States; Whereas membership and participation in rodeo and other organizations that promote and encompass the livelihood of cowboys span every generation and transcend race and gender; Whereas the cowboy is a central figure in literature, film, and music and occupies a central place in the public imagination; Whereas the cowboy is an American icon; and Whereas the ongoing contributions made by cowboys and cowgirls to their communities should be recognized and encouraged: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senate—

(1) designates July 26, 2014, as ‘‘National Day of the American Cowboy’’; and
(2) encourages the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

WHEW! Well dang it, we already knew all that, since we write so much about cowboys in our stories, didn’t we? Still, it’s good to know that our lawmakers got SOMETHING right! And here’s what we’re doing for our part! Only we’re not celebrating for just one DAY—we’re carrying on for the entire WEEK! Because we know how y’all love cowboys, and one day just isn’t enough to do them justice.
We’ve got lots of great promotions this week at our website. Not only do we have our first Christmas anthology, WISHING FOR A COWBOY for sale (with eight wonderful, delicious cowboy stories in it!) we also have released each of these stories as “single sell” short stories for only .99 each!

You’ve read WISHING FOR A COWBOY? Well, how about some new stories you might not have tried? We’ve got those, too, both in single sell and anthology form, from Cheryl Pierson! Take a look at A NIGHT FOR MIRACLES, HOMECOMING, THE GUNFIGHTER'S GIRL, and MEANT TO BE!

We’ve got a new release from LOIS CARROLL, WITNESS ON THE RUN. And what about another new author you might not have tried, ANGELA RAINES? Her new release is called HOME FOR HIS HEART, and if you’re looking for a swoon-worthy cowboy, you’ll find one in both of these tales.

LIVIA REASONER has a full-length novel, MENDING FENCES for only .99 that you can snap up and add to your digital reading (also available in print).

But wait, there’s more! We’ve got giveaways going on every day during this week, and a grand prize that we’re giving away on Friday, August 1, to one lucky commenter. We’ll be drawing a name from everyone who commented during the week! Be sure to stop by every day and see what’s going on.

Our giveaway today is a "double whammy"! One lucky commenter will receive HOME FOR HIS HEART by Angela Raines, and another will receive WITNESS ON THE RUN by Lois Carroll! These are both brand new releases and though they are not Christmas stories, they're bound to warm your heart just like the cheery glow of a welcoming fire on a cold winter's night! Be sure to leave your contact information in your comment in case YOU are one of the winners!

If you just can't stand the suspense, you can head over to Amazon and pick up any of these reads at some great prices. Also, check out our new website to see what other stories might tempt you!



  1. Wonderful books! Thank you, Summer Santa! :)

    1. HO HO HO!!! LOL We're having such a good time with this week--nothing is better than Christmas in July!

  2. Lorrie: "Summer Santa" That's great!

    Here in southeastern Colorado, it was 103 yesterday, and it will probably be that hot again today. So... (cue Christmas music)

    Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
    but these books are just delightful.
    And since it too hot to cook,
    Read a book, read a book, read a book.


    1. LOVE IT, KAYE! LOL That needs to be the theme song for all of us this week. It's hot here, too, but we've had a very unseasonably cool summer--by this time in Oklahoma we've usually had several days over 100 and as of last night we have not had ONE day that made 100--in fact, we've had several days this summer that have broken the lowest "high" temperature for that date. I miss those hot days--my pool has not been used one time because the nights are still getting so cool.

    2. That's delightful! Perfect!

  3. National Cowboy Day? Well, yeehaw! I had no idea there was such, but then there's a day for just about anything. Don't you love Kaye's version of that Christmas song?

    1. Yep, and it's about time we had a National Day of the American Cowboy, don't you think? What could be more important than a day set aside for the importance of COWBOYS? LOL

      I do love Kaye's version of the song--it's perfect!

  4. Cheryl, What a great way to celebrate the holidays and Cowboys. I also love Kaye's rendition of the Christmas classic. While my section of Colorado is not quite as hot, it still is plenty toasty.
    Thank you also for sharing my story along with these other ones from such talented authors. (Since I have almost all these books, you needn't include me in the drawings during the Christmas in July event.) Doris

    1. Doris, we're proud as we can be of these new releases of yours and Lois's! Both are wonderful stories and we are so glad y'all chose Prairie Rose Publications to share them with the world!

  5. I can't believe it took this log to get a National Cowboy Day. We would not be the nation that we are today without the "cowboy" way of life. Thanks for some wonderful stories. Christmas and all the others.

    1. I can't believe it, either, Lynda! When you think of all the other silly days we have (National Donut Day, etc.) you'd have thought National Cowboy Day would have been set aside long ago, wouldn't you? Thanks so much for stopping by today!

  6. I tried posting but it hasn't shown up and it was a great response to cowboy week. I'll try this post to see if it works.

    1. Darn it, I just hate when that happens! Sometimes blogger can be a real pain!

  7. Now I'll try to remember what I said. LOL It's great that you have a Cowboy week, since America has so many icons to keep us all grounded in our values and what has made our country so great. Seems like Obama has sold his soul along the way and America has lost some of it's shine and appeal of our strength with a lot of the other countries. Respect needs to be put back in to the White House for America The cowboy way of getting the job done like Bush and Reagan is what our country stands for, to fight for all of mankind, not just our own, being respectful of the other countries as well.

    1. You know, I used to work at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum here in Oklahoma City, and we had tons of visitors there from other countries who told us that the Museum was 1st on their list of priorities of things to visit and see while they were here in America. That was really neat! The entire world looks to the cowboy way of life as an example. I'm really proud to be a part of that. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, J'ona!

  8. National Cowboy Day and Summer Santa. Doesn't get any better than that on a hot day in Texas.

    1. Connie, you got that right, lady! And we're all having such fun with this. We've been gearing up for this for several weeks and then rushing like crazy at the end to get everything "out there"--and of course, sometimes publishing through B&N and some of the others doesn't exactly come out at the exact time we hope it will--so we've been having lots of behind the scenes excitement, too. LOL So glad to see you, and thanks for commenting!

  9. I love the cover of Witness on the Run. The space between the shadowed heads seems like the view the heroine would have from the cave. I'd love to have a copy.

    1. Isn't that a neat cover, Alisa? I love that, too--Livia does all our covers and she is so talented.

  10. Both look like great reads. Happy National Cowboy Day!

    1. Hi Robyn! Happy National Cowboy Day! It's a reason to celebrate! LOL

  11. I'm loving Christmas in July. More great books to choose from. Great.

    1. Hi Julie! Yes, we have got some wonderful reads available--and not just the Christmas ones! Lots of good bargains, too, this week. So glad you came by today!

  12. What a fun way to celebrate National Day of the American Cowboy!! These new releases sound great! Thank you so much for sharing.

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Britney! So glad to see you here today--hope you'll join us every day for this celebration of CHRISTMAS IN JULY! We have a lot of great holiday releases, and many more new things coming in the next few months, as well, in all our imprints.

  13. AND my winners for the prizes for DAY #2 of CHRISTMAS IN JULY are...



    Thanks so much to everyone who dropped by and commented today! We at PRP appreciate you soooo much!

    J'ONA AND CONNIE--if you will e-mail me at I will see that you get your prizes as soon as possible! Congratulations, ladies!


  14. congratulations to both winners
