Monday, June 9, 2014

They Call Me Ozark Belle

Hi, my name is Ozark Belle and I’m a Cowboy Action Shooter.

Actually, Ozark Belle is my alias for the Single Action Shooting Society. SASS “is an international organization created to preserve and promote the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™.” If you’re not familiar with Cowboy Action Shooting, it’s a bunch of folks who love the Old West and shooting sports, getting together to share a common interest—and have a whole lot of fun. 

To the right are "my" cowboys--my husband "Ozark Shark," my father-in-law "Lead Dancer Darret" & our good friend "Smoky Mountain Fair."
That doesn’t mean we’re not serious about gun safety. Every shoot begins with a safety meeting and we’re all tasked with watching and helping each other make sure nothing goes wrong. I’ve been shooting nearly a year and a half and the worst thing that’s happened is a small “bite” from a piece of ricocheting lead. That’s why we wear eye protection.

A couple of weekends ago, dh (aka Ozark Shark) and I participated in a Cowboy Action Shoot that benefitted St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. There’s nothing quite like spending two days with nearly 175 other “cowboys”, having fun and raising money. The writers of PRP and a few other western romance authors donated books, gift cards and tchotchkes to the cause, enough to make two huge baskets. Not only did we make some new friends—we raised $42,000 for the kids! AND I won first place in my category! Cool trophy, isn’t it?

This is me on Saturday:  straw hat, “leathers”—that would be my holsters and ammunition belt—a pair of six-shot revolvers (I’m shooting one), and an 1873
lever-action rifle and double-barreled shotgun, both “staged” and ready to be shot. And, in the interests of authenticity, I’m wearing period-like boots, and there are drawstring bloomers, a petticoat and a bustle under that skirt! And a chemise under the blouse. Wearing that many clothes really took some getting used to.

So that’s what I do for fun. What about you? What hobby have you taken on that might surprise someone?

Thanks for dropping by! Visit my website,, to keep up with my books and appearances.


  1. One of the actors in our murder mystery company has done something similar and she just loves it. Hooray for you. I have a black powder I use in shows but only fire caps. Also no one touches 'my piece' when I'm working.

    Congratulations on such a wonderful gift you will be giving all those children. Thank you.

    As you can tell the 'acting' is a bit part of my fun, but to me everything I do is fun. I think I'm pretty lucky that way. Doris

    1. You are very lucky, Doris! I decided this weekend to work on "my character's story"--where she came from, was she educated, etc. I think that will be interesting---and fun. :)

      Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I just think this would be so much fun! Now, not wearing all those clothes, mind you, but being able to be with a great group of friends and have a fun hobby like this. And I was so glad you asked us to be a part of raising money for St. Jude's! Another "fun" part of belonging to such an organization.

    For Christmas, my son got me a pair of safety goggles and earplugs and a gift card for our local shooting range. LOL I had mentioned that I would like to learn to shoot, and he listened! So I have that to look forward to once things settle down some here. I'm really going to enjoy it.

    I don't really have a hobby that's unusual. I did buy myself an Indian flute to learn to play, but have not had time to really sit down and work on it. It's just beautiful, and the tone is beautiful, too. That's probably the closest I've come to an unusual hobby of any kind. Now you've got me thinking!

    Thanks so much for this very informative and interesting post about you and your fun hobby, Ozark Belle!


    1. PRP was so generous, Cheryl. Thanks again!

      I also have an Indian Flute--want to race to see who learns how to play it first? lol

  3. Tracy,

    I just love that you are part of a SASS, I love it and I'm very jealous. It always looks like so much fun. Congratulations on raising so much for St. Jude's!


    1. Well, come on and join, Kirsten! SASS is an international group.

  4. Tracy, what fun! Even all those clothes. :) So how'd you do?

    Shooting is my favorite sport, although I've never shot vintage weapons. I'd love to give it a whirl.

    1. At the charity shoot--I took first in my category. :) This weekend? Dead last. Oh, well. That just means more practice is necessary. :D

  5. I loved everyone's funny nicknames. They're so cool. I want one, too...something like Lilith Fair or Sparkle Rose. I would have never thought of gun-tottin' and shootin' as a hobby. Pretty neat--and nice that y'all earned all that money for charity while having fun.
    I wouldn't say I have any unusual hobbies. I play several instruments, garden, bird watch and look at the stars and do some wishing. That's about it.
    It was nice to meet you, Ozark Belle. I send great happiness to your corner of the universe.

    1. My pleasure, Miss Sarah! And I personally think playing the bagpipes is a cool hobby.

  6. Tracy! how fascinating! I love every word of this post. I shot guns for the first time at a range in Bandera TX as research for my books. It was a peacemaker. I had the equivalent of four kill shots on my little green poster man my first time! I don't really have a hobby, although I am super involved at our local horse rescue. I guess that kinda counts.

  7. You're the deadeye, Tanya! Wow!

    I love that you work with the horse rescue organization.

  8. My grown children and their spouses, myself, my husband, my brother and his fiancé all collect guns, are involved in shooting sports (guns and archery), and target practice, but none of us has ever dabbled with cowboy action shooting. It sounds like a lot of fun.

    As far as my unusual hobbies... I collect petrified wood, and I can play the harmonica. Cowboy action shooting is a whole lot more exciting. lolol

    1. Kaye, I'll bet you and your family would enjoy Cowboy shooting!

      How did you get started collecting petrified wood?

    2. I can't remember a time when I wasn't interested in rock hunting. I spent lots of time with my maternal grandfather and we went fishing, hunting, and walking. He liked to look for rocks, and he taught me the different kinds. I was fascinated that a piece of wood could become a rock after eons of time. To this day, when I'm out walking, I scan the ground in hopes of finding petrified wood (and secondarily to avoid rattlesnakes-lolol)

    3. I hear you on the snakes---cotton mouths, here.
