Sunday, April 20, 2014


Because I am in love with vintage art and always have been, I had started to look through some vintage Easter greeting cards to blog about—thinking there would be some really cute images to share. There were. But as I went through the selections, I was struck by some of the more ridiculous creations instead of being caught up by the “sweetness” of some of them.

Here, let me show you what I’m talking about. Now, maybe it's just me, but I don't think so. Some of these are just kind of creepy.

Bunnies dancing a jig decked out in colored eggs. Okay, how did they get into those eggs in the first place?

BE HONEST! Did any of you see this in your mind's eye instead?

And...who's bright idea was this? Man, that egg looks heavy. And what is he going to do with it when he gets where he's going with it? me crazy, but is this the fairy Pied Piper of Hamlin leading the chicks to their doom or what?

Okay, my mother instincts are yelling, screaming, "GET OFF THAT EGG!" (I have to confess, this reminds me of something my son would have tried.) Notice the body of water that they're racing toward? This can only end badly. Why can't this kid just play with these "normal" children below?

A balancing act if I ever saw one. Crazy rabbit, trying to ride a goat with his hands full. I want to look away, but I just can't!

DON'T GET ON THE CHICKEN DIRIGIBLE! What are you guys thinking?

No need for words on this one. Wonder what he plans to kill on this fine Easter day?

I never really noticed how oddly the artists' minds worked in that time for these images. I am almost afraid to go look at the Christmas ones. Or the Valentine ones. These were strange enough, I see a story in there? Maybe one of the dancing bunnies had a terrible childhood that made him want to join Bunny Vaudeville!

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter! Let's see... what did I do with my normal lamb picture...


  1. Yeah, the bunnies in the eggs that's a little different. :) Nothing says Happy Easter than a faery leading a bunk of ducks to their death.

    Happy Easter, Cheryl! Thanks for the smile and the nightmares.

    1. LOL Kirsten. I knew you'd understand this quirky post. LOL I remember one time when my son was about 9 or 10, and "skull" everything had become so popular, he brought me an advertisement from the Sunday paper--right around Christmas. It had a picture of these horrid skull bicycle tire valve caps with glowing red eyes. The caption said, "Nothing says Christmas like Skull Valve Caps!" He wanted those so badly. I had to get them for him because of that ad. LOL

  2. Replies
    1. Glad you enjoyed it Livia. There were a LOT more--just didn't have the room to do all of them.

  3. You have to wonder about some of those vintage cards ... did they just have a different idea of what was cute or funny, or were they that generation's version of wacky cards?

    1. I know, JES! I wonder if some of these women were just browsing through, picking up the dirigible card and saying "OH, great this is cute!" There's also one that looks like they're all boarding the Titanic.

  4. Oh Cheryl, the joys of trying to figure out what was going on back then. You brought up some interesting points. Perhaps you didn't intend it, but you illustrated the problems with research into history, you have the facts, but the whys?.

    Thank you for a most interesting trip down memory lane. Happy Easter to you and your and to everyone else. May you have memories of the lamb and not the Pied Piper. Doris

    1. LOL I didn't think of that, Doris. It's true, though. WHY in the world would anyone draw/paint some of this strange stuff? You know, when I saw that lamb, I remembered having one similar on my headboard of my bed. Decals. Remember those? You could buy them in the dimestores. Put them in a pan of water and they'd loosen from the paper, and then you put them on a wooden surface. Well, I had a lamb on my bed. Thank goodness it wasn't the fairy Pied Piper.

  5. Thanks for the Easter laugh, Cheryl! Artists can be a strange bunch. :-)

    1. Glad you got a kick out of it, Kristy. I sure did.

  6. Only someone with your curious mind would wonder about these. But yes, they're all rather bizarre and just a little creepy! However, I love anything "vintage" and so I got a kick out of these.
    Happy Easter.

    1. I love everything vintage, too, Celia. But as I was looking, the more I looked, the more these weird pictures caught my eye. Now, I feel like I need to go in search of Valentines and Christmas vintage cards to see if there's anything as bizarre as the bunny with his rifle strapped on, stepping around his colored eggs as he goes out to see what he can shoot on Easter. That's just tooooo weird. LOL

  7. Riding the egg Roman style--not something I'd recommend. The bunny with the shotgun??? That one puzzles me most of all. LOL. Thanks for posting these, Cheryl.

    1. Jacquie, I have puzzled over that shotgun bunny more than any of the others. There were so many more I could've included but had no room! LOL I put the goat one in for you.

  8. Cheryl,

    These Easter cards took me on a trip down memory lane. My maternal grandmother subscribed to "Ideals" magazine. Your cards brought back memories of reading through (which really means looking at the pictures) each issue over and over. She had stacks of them. I Googled vintage Ideals magazine and found tons of images. ;-)

    1. Kaye, my mother loved those Ideals magazines. She kept them for a long time, but when we moved she had to get rid of them and it about broke her heart. I have a couple of those magazines left, but they're from the 1980's I think.

  9. Leave it to you to come up with Easter weirdness. I like the chicks climbing into the dirigible. It sort of looks like a tree house--without the tree. Where did you find this stuff? And when do you ever take a day off? I'm going to sleep late tomorrow. It's a promise I made myself. It's my post Easter snooze-a-thon.

    1. LOL I KNOW, SARAH! Oh, the dirigible one just cracks me up. Wish I had posted the one of them all getting on the ship that looked like the Titanic. My fave is the bunny with the shotgun.

      I never take a day off. Do less on some days than others, but if I let it pile up I'll never dig myself out from under. Hey, I sleep til whenever I want most days now that Gary is retired. So I can go to bed late, too!

      Happy Easter!

  10. Replies
    1. Hey Morgan! Glad you stopped by to enjoy the "Strangeness". LOL

  11. Weird and hilarious! Makes me wonder what some of those artists were drinking. Or maybe smoking?

    1. Me, too, Lyn! These are just nutty--and there were so many more I could've posted...I just had to stop. LOL

  12. These are so much fun!!! We've inherited a couple old collections of vintage postcards and holiday cards, too -- fun and revealing!!!

    1. I have a lot of them that my mom had saved through the years. I should get them out and look to see if there are any weird ones like this.

  13. I like the chicks climbing into the dirigible. It sort of looks like a tree house--without the tree. Where did you find this stuff? While the bunnies in the eggs that's a little different. :) These happy Easter images just push me to says Happy Easter than a fiery leading a bunk of ducks to their death.

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