Thursday, March 20, 2014


Cheryl Pierson: author, editor, and co-founder of Prairie Rose Publications
Today, I’m blogging about one of my most recent releases, JASON’S ANGEL. In case this title sounds familiar to you, it was previously released in an anthology with Victory Tales Press, and also as single-sell short story with Western Trail Blazer. It's making its "re-release appearance" with PRAIRIE ROSE PUBLICATIONS now, with an awesome new cover.

I’m excited about JASON'S ANGEL being released as a “stand alone” story, selling at only .99 ! I’m giving away two copies of JASON’S ANGEL today! Please leave a comment along with your contact info and you will be entered—it’s that simple.

Jason’s Angel takes on several issues with the society of that time. The story takes place just as the War Between the States is winding down. Jason wears Union blue, but speaks with a Georgia accent. To make things even more difficult, he’s half Cherokee, half Scottish! When he’s wounded and winds up at a Confederate hospital, there’s only one thing kind-hearted Sabrina Patrick can do…
Two wounded Union soldiers will die without proper treatment. Sabrina Patrick realizes they won't get it at the Confederate army hospital where she helps nurse wounded men. She does the unthinkable and takes them to her home.  JASON'S ANGEL by Cheryl Pierson, from Prairie Rose Publications
JASON'S ANGEL by Cheryl Pierson (Cover by Livia Reasoner)

Two wounded Union soldiers will die without proper treatment. Sabrina Patrick realizes they won't get it at the Confederate army hospital where she helps nurse wounded men. She does the unthinkable and takes them to her home.

Jason McCain’s pain is eased by the feel of clean sheets, a soft bed, and a touch that surely must belong to an angel. But what reason could an angel have for bringing him and his brother here?


It was only a brief touch of their lips, Sabrina told herself, and should not have caused the waves of trembling heat to rush over her. His lips were firm and strong. And she kissed him back.

He’d reached up and gently pulled her to him. As if he’d sensed her concern over Desi being in the room, he’d glanced to where she sat talking to Eli, once more engrossed in conversation, and when Sabrina had started to protest, he’d squeezed her shoulder in silent reassurance. And she had kissed him back.

He’d been so gentle and—oh Lord, had Eli seen that kiss? She had responded heartily to his brother. She had not pushed Jason away or protested in the least. She had welcomed it. There was no doubt for either of them. She had definitely kissed him back.

As she pulled away, she opened her lids to find him watching her. His dark eyes smoldered with desire. But it didn’t scare her. It excited her.

Good Lord. She stood quickly, her head spinning so that she almost missed her first step toward the door. When had she last eaten? That had to be the cause of her unsteadiness. But why was her heart pounding so frantically? It was only a kiss. One kiss.

But she had kissed him back.

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Prairie Rose Publications, where western romance blooms


  1. I love stories set during this time. Adding these to myh list.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. Debby, it seems like Civil War stories are harder and harder to find. If you haven't read No Greater Glory by Cindy Nord, that's a full length CW novel that is excellent. You might want to look it up and give it a try, too. Gotcha entered! Thanks for stopping by.

    2. Cheryl...thx you for the nod -- this truly means so much to me. And a fabulous excerpt, to take a closer peek...♥ ~~ And Debby, I do, too. This time period was such a volatile one in our country's history, just imagine falling in love then...and with one's enemy -- yep, proved even more so an insurmountable feat than even the war. ♥

  2. Interest snippett , i would like to read more

    1. Hi Bennet! I'm entering your name in the drawing tonight, but need your contact info in case you win. Can you please come back and add it? Thank you, and thanks for your kind words!

  3. New Release Thursday! What a great idea. Now we'll all get a peek inside the exciting, touching stories coming from Prairie Rose Publications.

    I already know JASON'S ANGEL is a winner. It's one of my favorites among your stories, Okie Did I mention the new cover Livia created is HOT?

    1. Oh, Kathleen, Livia's covers just take my breath away. She enjoys making covers and you can sure tell they are a labor of love for her!

      We've got a few things coming out in the next couple of weeks so we'll have to use more than Thursday! LOL I'm so glad you enjoyed Jason's Angel. Jason and Sabrina needed their hea after the heartache they'd both endured.


  4. Love the excerpt Cheryl! Makes me want to read more.

    1. Thanks, Kristy! I loved these two, and they have a brother and sister that need their own story, as well!

  5. Awesome excerpt and cover, Cheryl. Yowzers, girl, do you ever sleep? I get exhausted just trying to imagine all you do! Best wishes for much success with this great new story. xo

    1. Tanya, my schedule is so screwy. Now that I don't have to worry about everyone ELSE'S schedule, I have one of my own! LOL I sleep in. It feels so decadent to be able to do that after all these years, and I just refuse to be guilt ridden about it. LOL When I get up, I start working on my writing, my correspondence, my blogs, etc. In the afternoon, if I have to, I take care of business (pay bills, go to the grocery store, etc.) Back to work for a bit before I fix dinner, and then after that, I work until usually 1:00 am. I just love what I do. LOL (But I don't have grandchildren like you do, Tanya.)

  6. Glad you are re-releasing this one. Best to you, cause if the story is good, it will find its readers and this one will. Doris

    1. Thanks, Doris. I really do like this one a lot. Gotta do a "sister" story for the other couple in this one.

    2. I look forward to that one. Yeah! Doris

  7. Hi Cheryl!

    I'm definitely adding this to my wish list. Great cover, too! (

    1. Thanks, Alisa. I've been fortunate in all my covers for every book and short story I've ever had, but Livia really knows how to bring life and meaning to the story inside. We are sure lucky to have her doing our covers. Thanks for coming by! I'll be drawing a bit later on and I've got you entered!

  8. I enjoyed the excerpt Cheryl. Jason's Angel is definitely going on my TBR list.

    1. Hey Julie! So glad you came by, and super happy you loved the excerpt. This is a short story, but I have sure thought of expanding it and making it into a novel--love these characters.

  9. Cheryl, I don't know how you and Livia accomplish so much, but we're lucky you do so you can feed us stories to read. Love this new cover.

    1. I love this cover too, Caroline. I always say Livia is Wonder Woman because of the things she accomplishes--not just in publishing but in her personal life. She has more energy than anyone I know. Thanks for coming by!


    My two winners of Jason's Angel are....

    Debby and Alisa!!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS! I will be contracting you soon!

  11. I loved this story. The new cover is so fresh and beautiful, too.
    Sorry I'm late. Congratulations to the winners.

    1. Sarah, that's the great thing about the cyber're never late. LOL I'm so glad you came by--I know it's hard without a computer! I love that cover, too.
