Monday, February 24, 2014

The Calling coming April 2014

Hi everyone! Thanks for having me back to the blog :-)

I wanted to talk a little bit about my forthcoming Christian western titled THE CALLING.

Esau Fitzpatrick is bad at being good and even worse at being bad. While he waits for his sweetheart, Ella Allen, inside the little white church in Paisley Settlement, Texas, Esau has no idea that the events about to transpire will forever shape his life on this earth . . . and beyond. Upon hearing tale that Ella and her parents are late to services due to a stuck wagon, Esau fingers the golden wedding band in his pocket and decides to brave the brewing storm in order to help the woman he loves – and whom he plans to propose that very day. Before he can exit the church, the storm erupts and lightning strikes, setting the church aflame. Ella and her parents pull Esau from the fire, but not before his parents succumb to the blazing inferno.

Thank you Livia for the beautiful cover
Angry at God and distrustful of His plan, Esau flees Paisley Settlement and all he holds dear only to fall in with the first group of people he meets -- notorious Covington-Jones Gang. To them, stickup’s, bank robberies, and parlor houses aren't sins, they’re a way of life. As he journeys down the path that leads only to destruction,  Esau is forced to relive the hellish fire in his nightmares for nights on end, driving him deeper into darkness.

Meanwhile, Ella is left clinging to the golden ring that should have been her engagement band and the prayer that Esau will find his way back to a godly path – and to her. However Ella learns that it is always hard to wait, even when it’s God’s own will, especially with her parents and society pressuring  her to move on to a more appropriate partner. With Esau gone and her world falling to pieces, Ella must lean on God in a way she’s never had to before as she follows her heart against everyone’s wishes.

When Esau’s tumultuous  way of life comes to a head during an epic cattle rustle, he is forced to choose between eternal hell fire and the rocky path of the Lord, without knowing if Ella will still be there waiting for him or not. God reaches out to Esau again in the form of lightening, but will it be too late – or just in time?


Not only have I been a fan of John Wayne and Clint Eastwood since I was a youngster, but Marty Robbins has played a significant role in my upbringing as well. My good ole dad bought me the cd Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs when I was 13 . . . then there was no going back. 

After all, I was already a die-hard Lonesome Dove fan who had done her 6th grade book report on Larry McMurtry's epic novel and who preferred to play shoot-out at pretend wanted posters sketched with a likeness of Blue Duck in the backyard more than just about anything else. But as much as I liked the song The Master's Call, I found myself skipping over it more than listening to it. It gave me chills and that was unnerving. 

It wasn't until my four beautiful babies were born that I opened the window of our home in Oklahoma one morning and something was different on the breeze. It was early summer, the wind was whistling along some of the most historic land of the United States . . . the coffee was hot and it was time to get ready for the day. But there was one thing I had to do first, and I put on my Marty Robbins' cd. I changed the track to The Master's Call and listened to it with my four precious children -- and my entire heart. Here, if you didn't catch it up above, here it is again. 

As we went on about our day, I had my spiral and pen in hand and began work on my novel inspired by the song . . .The Calling. That was almost three years ago. Finally, this April, The Calling is destined to come to life, from my heart to yours.

I hope you enjoy The Calling when it releases April 1st. I have certainly enjoyed writing it for you. It's been a lifetime in the making.

Thanks for stopping by! Comment telling us of a song that has been inspiring for YOU for your chance to win a digital copy of your choice of my books. A selection is available on my website at 


  1. Great background about a wonderful book. I was privileged to read an early copy and it's a humdinger. Gorgeous cover, too!

  2. Sara, you know I'm sooooooo excited about The Calling! I love The Master's Call--well, heck, that's how you and I got started talking in the first place--all about Marty Robbins, who just happens to be my favorite singer EVER. I have "El Paso" as my ringtone on my phone--and not just to embarrass my kids (though it works well in that capacity, too).

    I love this cover Livia created for you, and I know I'm going to love the story, too! I'm in awe that you can actually write while you are raising four kids!

  3. Sounds wonderful Sara. I wasn't familiar with the song, thanks for sharing. (I was raised on Cat Stevens and the Doobie Brothers.) I, too, have 4 kids. They're all teenagers now. I thought it was rough when they were young, but I have to say these years have been a trial at times. :-) It's always love that gets you through! All the best with the new release.

    1. Hugs to you Kristy <3 Thank you for your comment and for all of your support!!! <3

  4. I'm a huge Mart Robbins and Frankie Lane fan, so I "get" you, Sara. I think THE CALLING is going to be a big success. Livia did a splendid job on that magnificent cover.

    1. Me too Sarah @ being a big Marty fan. Thank you <3 I hope you all enjoy it and yes, that cover is gorgeous. Liv does great work!!

  5. What a terrific book and the inspiration behind it, Sara. Best wishes for much success, and congrats on the release!

  6. Sara, I LOVE Marty Robbins! All of his songs spoke to my heart. There was no better western singer, especially his ballads. I sure miss that man. Your book sounds amazing. Anyone who loves old westerns AND Marty Robbins has to write an outstanding book. I've gotta have it.

  7. Sara, I can't wait until April! I love how the book came about and Marty Robbins is the icing on the cake. Congratulations!
