Monday, January 13, 2014

Coming Home to the Hearts and Spurs Anthology

Good Monday to everyone!

I’m so excited to be here with the other authors of Prairie Rose Publications. For those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been writing for more than 15 years and have published two novels. Both Touch of Texas (2007) and Touched by Love (2008) are western historical romances.

Though I love what I do, I didn’t grow up expecting to be a writer. I’m a classically trained musician (flute and voice) and I still perform and conduct regularly. But I’ve read romance for as long as I can remembers, and, when a hard-headed cowboy started knocking on my creative mind—usually at night—I decided to write down his story. Then the next one showed up. And the next… The rest, as the saying goes, is history.

I’m not complaining. I don’t mind a bunch of tall, sexy cowboys propping their boots on my desk. When Prairie Rose Publications came knocking, looking for authors who love to write western historical romances, I knew it was the place for me!

My first short story with PRP was Her Christmas Wish, which was included in PRP’s 2013 inaugural release, the Christmas anthology WISHING FOR A COWBOY. The book includes eight wonderful western historical romances and eight recipes from those stories!

Her only Christmas wish was the man who left her behind.

Even a woman capable of living on her own…
Kathryn McConnell is a widow celebrating a milestone birthday alone. Though she feels a woman should be able to mourn the passing of her thirtieth birthday any way she wants, she won’t turn away a cowboy in need of lodging—until she learns it’s the man she’d expected to marry thirteen years earlier.

…never forgets her first love.
Will O’Brien had challenged his father’s prejudice against the woman he loved only to discover he was unable to stand against his family’s wealth and connections. Without a way to support his bride, Will struck out for the west, determined to earn a living for them both. When he returned after two years with no word from Katie, he found she’d married another and moved away. Heart broken, he returns to his work, but never stops hoping to find her.

When chance lands Will at the remote stagecoach station run by the widowed Kathryn, he grabs at the opportunity he’s been handed, hoping to win back the only woman he has ever loved.

In two days, on January 15, PRP will release HEARTS AND SPURS, our second anthology, which has nine stories in it, including mine:  Coming Home.

Sometimes it takes two to make dreams come true.

When a man who believes he’ll never have a home and family…
Former U.S. Marshal Jericho Hawken should have been shepherding a wagon train to new territory, but he unwillingly left them vulnerable to a vicious raider. The murder of the settlers he was supposed to be guarding is the hardest thing he’s ever had to face…until he meets the sister of one of the settlers.

…finds a woman who has lost everything…
Instead of a joyous reunion with her brother, Maryland Henry has come to River’s Bend to take responsibility for her three orphaned nieces. Fired from her teaching position and with no other family on whom to rely, Mary believes Jericho Hawken is responsible for all her woes. Or is he what she’s been searching for all along?

It’ll take a lot of forgiveness and a few fireworks to realize that together their dreams can come true.

I hope you’ll bookmark our blog and visit once in a while—or maybe every day. I’ll be back on February 10. And don’t miss all the fun planned for the launch of Hearts and Spurs on January 15.

So let’s chat a bit. What’s the first thing you think of when someone says “western”?

Since this is my first time on the Prairie Rose Publications blog, I’m giving away a copy of all three of my books to one winner. All you have to do to be in the drawing is leave a comment!  Be sure to include your email address.  I’ll pull one name from my cowboy hat after midnight tonight (Central Time), so you have plenty of time to join in the fun.

And be sure to drop in at my website,, or find me on Facebook, to keep up on what's coming next.


  1. So nice to see your smiling face first thing in the morning. Your posts, regardless the topic, always emit a warm, chatty friendliness, as though you were sitting down with old friends over tea. How do you do that? :-D

    In any case, both of your anthology stories evoke that same impression. They're both winners, and I can't wait to read more from you.

    HUGS, sweetie!!!!

  2. Good morning, Kathleen! Your kind words certainly started my day off right. :D Thanks for stopping in this morning. Are you as excited about Wednesday's release of HEARTS AND SPURS as I am?

    1. You know, I may have you beat on the excitement level. Can you see me chair-dancing over here? :-D This antho is full of such great stories, I can't wait for folks to get their hands on it. I thought it might be difficult to top WISHING FOR A COWBOY, but by Jove, I think the Prairie Roses did with HEARTS AND SPURS! :-)

  3. Good morning, my friend! I have to say it makes me so happy to see new cowboy stories flying off your computer once again! I was thrilled to be among the first to read HER CHRISTMAS WISH and I can't wait to dive into COMING HOME!! To answer the question, when I hear "western" I think of a tall, lean cowboy in jeans that hug him just so, a bit sweaty from hard work, and a hat pulled low over sexy eyes...

    Question for your readers: What's up next from Tracy Garrett?? Keep writing, and have a great day! :)

    1. Hi, Jo Davis! I can say it feels good to be writing again. And you and I see cowboys the same way.

      What's next? I'm working on a full-length novel of mistaken identity: city girl finds herself in the not so wild west, in the hands of a cynical--but sexy--rancher. I'll keep you posted.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Tracy, it's been such fun to "hang out" with you all these years and NOW, be together in the Prairie Rose anthologies. I agree, writing these stories has been such great fun. I hope (hint hint) our editors-in-chief decide to put together another one, Fourth of July? Best wishes, my friend. You're a terrific writer...and I sure wish I could hear you sing!

    1. Thanks, Tanya, and back atcha! Maybe someday...

  6. We are in luck. Hearts and Spurs has gone through channels quicker than usual and it is now available at following links.

    Create Space Trade:
    ISBN/EAN13: 1494990407 / 9781494990404


    ISBN: 9781310628290

    1. Livia, this is great news! You heard it here, first, folks. HEARTS AND SPURS is available now!

  7. Tracy, this is so exciting. I'm so happy for you. I loved your story in Wishing for a Cowboy and can't wait to read Coming Home in Hearts and Spurs. I was thrilled to be included in this new anthology. I've always wanted to write with you. Glad I seized the chance. You have an amazing gift for storytelling. Wishing you much success!!

    1. It is exciting, Linda.And I'm glad we're finally getting to write together, too.

  8. John Wayne, baybee... Or maybe Burt Lancaster... Kung Fu? Tonto?

    1. Hi Maureen! I love, love, love, John Wayne. Cowboy to his back pockets.

  9. Tracy, what a great introduction. Music is such a major part of your life and I love that. Does it play in your stories? And speaking of stories, wow. Yours are intriguing.

    As to the western, well I think it is a state of mind. That sense of opportunity and the freedom to pursue it. Doris

    1. Renaissance Women, oddly enough, music hasn't played a part in my stories. Yet. I think that will change with the one I'm working on now.

  10. It sounds like a great story. Congratulations on your anthology release!

  11. Hi Tracy,
    Great getting to know you. When I think of 'western' I think desert, probably because I grew up in the Arizona desert and a few years back returned home after living in Pittsburgh for almost 20 years. I like the wide, open space, the solitude, the quiet, the sun warming my skin--I suppose this is why I write westerns and set them in the southwest. It brings me back to my childhood and carefree days.
    Have a wonderful day!

    1. Kristy, I love the deserts of the southwest. So beautiful in their own way.

  12. Tracy, I'm sorry I'm so late getting here today. As always, your posts bring a smile to my face because, like Kathleen, I feel like I'm sitting across the table from you having a talk. I am so thrilled that you threw in with us at Prairie Rose Publications. I love both your stories in these anthologies. Well, of course I did! I loved Touch of Texas so much--it's on my keeper shelf. I also have Touched By Love in my TBR pile! I, too, would love to hear you sing and play the flute. Music is a huge part of my life too, and I have not ever incorporated it into my stories...hadn't thought of that until I read your answer to that question. So glad to have you with us!

    1. Cheryl, we'll have to talk music over a pot of coffee sometime soon.

  13. Tracy, I loved your stories in both Wishing for a Cowboy and Hearts and Spurs. Thanks for such great reads! :)

  14. Nice interview. I tweeted and FB'd.

    1. Thanks, Christine. And bless you for helping spread the word!

  15. I really enjoyed reading your story, Her Christmas Wish, in the first anthology and I am looking forward to reading your story in Hearts and Spurs.
    I thought it was so interesting that you play the flute. Is music your profession?
    I wish you continued success.

  16. Hi Sarah! Music is my avocation, my passion. Once I figured out I didn't want to join a symphony, I've made music because I love it--and that makes me happy. I give concerts, conduct with a local vocal group, that kind of thing.

  17. Tracy I haven't read any of your stories as of yet but love that this is something I don't know very much about you. Since I know how wonderfully talented you are musically, I am sure you are just as talented in writing. Congratulations on your publications!!
    Sheryl Boos

  18. Tracy, I can remember you from college, Illinois Wesleyan, Class of 1981. Is that telling our youthful age? You're love of music was shared in so many ways. Music is good for the heart and the soul. You are equally talented in romance stories. Amazing how the talents you have grow and grow! Congrats! Angie Dyer (

    1. Hi, Angie!!! That's two fellow IWU'ers I've "run into" today.

  19. …and the winner is SHERYL BOOS

    Thanks for all the conversation today! I hope those who didn't win the free book will drop by your favorite retailer and get a copy for yourself.

  20. Hi Tracy,

    I enjoyed your post and can't blame you for not turning those cowboys away when they come knocking at night and want to talk. :)
