Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Bad Boys and The Women They Love

Hi, I'm Linda Broday! Very happy to blog here today. 

I’ve never written anything except alpha heroes and I’m quite content. I guess that’s because I prefer alpha men in real life. Both of my husbands were alphas. They've since left this earth. They didn’t take too much off anyone but inside were gentle men with big hearts. They loved their children and animals.

Bad boy heroes are all alpha. They’re always going to be in the thick of things, not standing on the sidelines watching. They have definite ideas about what is right and fair and just. They’re not afraid to say what they think. And if they say something, you can take it to the bank.

They’re usually slow to anger. When they do, you’d better watch out because it’ll erupt with a fury.

Strangely, these men not afraid to show love. Just don’t expect them to wait around on some woman to catch them though. They have places to go and things to see. They’re quite independent because that’s how they roll.

A bad boy hero lives for danger. In fact you can say he thrives on it. He's tough both mentally and physically.

In my story The Widow’s Heart in the Hearts and Spurs anthology, Cade Coltrain is a bad boy hero. He went West looking for adventure. He wound up a hired gun then through no fault of his own became a wanted man on the run. Though he’s had to kill to survive, he abhors taking a human life. He’s a wounded hero with plenty of demons. He’s so weary of it all but doesn’t see any way of changing it. When he meets up with Skye O’Rourke he begins to think of the permanence of a family. He wants to share a life with her and raise a crop of kids.

Skye carries a weariness all the way down to her bones. She wants to be a woman again, someone cherished. To feel the touch of a hand running over her body. When Cade emerges from the shimmering desert heat, she thinks she’s going mad. Yet when she discovers he’s flesh and bone, she struggles with the thought that he might abandon her again like he’d done before. Trusting him isn’t easy. Not even when he says all the right words. 

When I was asked to write this short story for Prairie Rose Publications, I was thrilled. Skye's story immediately came to me and it was so compelling I wasn't able to sleep. She wouldn't let me sleep until I got the biggest part of it down on paper. Quite a slave-driver, I tell you. And she even introduced Cade to me, for which I'm very grateful.

I'm giving away a $25 Amazon e-gift card to one commenter.

For those who don't know me, I'm a NY Times and USA Today bestselling author. I've published three full-length western historical romance novels, one of which won the National Readers' Choice Award. I've also published seven short stories. I've been contracted to write three full-length books with Sourcebooks Publishing that I'm calling my Bachelors of Battle Creek series. The first one, The Texas Mail-Order Bride, will release in January 2015. Be watching for it.

In the meantime, I'd love it if you'd content yourself with HEARTS AND SPURS. Then sit back and enjoy "The Widow's Heart" all these other wonderful stories. 

For more information about me or my books visit: www.LindaBroday.com  


  1. Linda, you sure nailed it with Skye and Cade. Wonderful story! And what a great beginning to Hearts and Spurs.

  2. Hi Jacquie! Thanks for the compliment about THE WIDOW'S HEART. I'm so glad you liked it. I was thrilled to be included alongside such a talented bunch of ladies. Y'all are amazing writers.

  3. Hey Linda, I LOVE wounded heroes with demons. Hubba. It's fun fixing them up. I know I'm gonna super-fall in love with Cade. Congrats on all the upcoming books, and your wonderful story for Hearts and Spurs. Love you,, my friend!

    1. Hi Tanya! Honestly, I don't think I could write a beta hero. They seem so dull and boring up beside a bad boy. Ha, maybe that's why all the bad boys in school always got the girls!! We want excitement and danger and to feel really alive.

      Thanks for the congrats! Right back at you, dear friend. You've certainly earned the accolades. Love you too!!

  4. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cade's a bad boy, all right -- a bad boy with a soft center! :-D He had me when he staggered out of the desert carrying forty pounds of leather and wood over his shoulder. And then, when he... Ahem. Well, let me just say "Skye, ya done good, gal!" ;-)

    HUGS, Linda! We're so glad you led off the anthology with this story. It really ... uh ... set a mood. :-)

    1. Hi Kathleen!! You always make me laugh! Glad Cade could get you as hot and bothered as he did me. After all, he's man enough to go around. Not that Skye would let him. But still, it makes for good dreamin!

      Thank you for the nice compliments. It's very special coming from someone with your talent and skill.Why in the world did you wait so long to get started writing stories. Talk about hiding your light under a bushel!

  5. Linda, I love your "bad boys"! I like bad boys too. My husband was a bad boy, but has mellowed in his older years. LOL But I still love to read and write about them. The Widow's Heart is a wonderful story--I enjoyed it so much, and your Cade and Skye both just stayed with me. So glad to have you as a part of the HEARTS AND SPURS anthology!

    1. Hi Cheryl!! This is twice today I've seen you. Yep, bad boys definitely get my vote. We've even had more than a few in the White House. But, they make such interesting characters. There are so many things you can get them to do that you never run out of material.

      Thanks for the compliment about my story. Like I told you over at P&P, I got the shipment I ordered today and I just sat there rubbing my hands across the cover and marveling at how breathtaking this cover is. Deepest thanks to you and Livia!

  6. The Wisow's Heart is a story I can really get into. I love your definition of a bad boy. A guy who's all that just makes my heart go all wonky. Neither of my husbands were bad boys; they were the strong, silent type..yiu know, the cerebral type. This anthology is going to be stellar.
    I wish you all the best, Linda.

    1. Thanks, Miss Sara! There's something to be said about the strong silent type also. They're deep thinkers. That can be very sexy. I wish you all the best also.

  7. I like the sound of this one and I want to get the book. The gift certificate would help there.

    1. Hi Connie!! Thanks so much for coming over here. You're so sweet. I'll put your name in the drawing for sure!

  8. Linda,
    I look forward to reading your story. Sounds like a keeper!

    1. Thanks, Kristy! I hope you'll like these stories. Every one is really strong. I'm still pinching myself that these ladies invited me to be a part of this anthology. Wishing you much success!

  9. Linda, I enjoyed the story and if unfolded in a beautiful and satisfying way. The wounded man and woman make for wonderful conflict that goes beyond the physical. Thank You. Doris

    1. Hi Doris!! Thank you so much! I'm overjoyed that you liked THE WIDOW'S HEART. It was really fun to write. Skye and Cade were exceptional characters. They simply belonged together. I'd love to write a longer story about them.

  10. Hi, Linda--I bought have Hearts and Spurs and just started reading. Your story sounds great, but then since I know you're very accomplished, it's bound to be good. I'll let you know what I think when I write a review for the anthology!

    1. Hi Celia!! I'm so glad to see you on here. Thanks for coming over. It's been a bit tough to get readers to this site. Thank you for buying this anthology. I do hope you'll like my story. And I'll look forward to seeing your review. Wishing you much success!

  11. Normally I write about good guys, but I think it may be time I try a bad boy hero. I really enjoyed your story.

    1. Hi Livia! Thank you for your comments. It means a lot coming from such a talented author. I was thrilled to be able to write a story with you and Cheryl and so many other awesome writers. Wishing you much success!

  12. I never dated a bad boy but I sure do like to read about them and the women that captures their untamed hearts!

    I was intrigued by your introduction to Cade:
    " through no fault of his own became a wanted man on the run."

    I also want to meet feisty Skye.

    I agree with you TRUST is essential to a lasting, loving relationship.

    johnslake at usa dot com

  13. Hi Laurie!!! Wow, how really nice to see you here today. And so early. You must get up with the chickens. I'm glad you enjoyed my blog and the introduction to Cade and Skye. They haven't left my brain. Who knows when they'll be clamoring for a long book of their own. They were very insistent that I write their story.

    I've entered you in the drawing! Good luck!

  14. Woo-Hoo!! The winner of my $25 Amazon gift card is......Laurie G!!!! Since you put your email addy on your comment I'll contact you right away. Congratulations!!
